Three trends to consider for the end of financial year

The evolution of Brisbane office design has evolved to keep pace with trends from all over the working world. As research has shown, different methods of improving the productivity and happiness of our workforce have taken these methodologies and made them an intrinsic element of our designs. If you’re considering a fitout for the end of financial year, don’t get stuck in traditional designs. The ideas below are growing trends that are becoming more conventional in the work space:

Recreational Areas

One key element growing strongly alongside the open-plan office is the acceptance of recreational areas. An area with a relaxed feel where employees can take lunch or have casual catch-ups during the course of an intense work day. These offer employees the chance to refresh and reduce the hassle of booking and reserving corporate-style meeting rooms.

These open spaces have been linked to encouraging lateral thinking, while the transparent nature cements a team mentality important for working towards your company’s wider goals and encouraging employees to find value in their work. This practice has been translated into many recent commercial office designs and fitouts in Brisbane’s office buildings.

Choosing greenery

Small hedges, used as lower barrier walls, are popularity among Brisbane’s office designs, as they provide a more calming and harmonious method of confining work spaces than simple cubicles. They can be watered sparingly and they won’t grow so quickly as to overcome your work spaces. They also work to break up more neutral or subtle colour schemes, without disturbing the dynamics of your company’s brand or office design.

Giving your employees the choice

When it comes to office furniture, opting for organically friendly desks and chairs are always the best way to go. However, some companies go beyond this and allowing their employees to choose what chair best suits their needs and also giving them the option of a standing desk, which they can structure and customise to their height and usage. This flexibility allows an them to customise their day, and figure out which format works best for their schedule. They can take an office environment and make it suit their own preferences, ensuring a lengthy and productive work day.

An office design that incorporates a more organic and intuitive approach to work can significantly improve the level of productivity and satisfaction of a company. While they may be trends, these ideas are becoming more and more common in office fitouts. If you’re thinking about redesigning your Brisbane office and need a customised fit out for a brand new office, get in touch with a fit out specialist to scope out your needs.